Gentleman Auction House

The most obvious comparison to Gentleman Auction House is, clearly, Bright Eyes. And when I saw them open for Drums and Tuba last month, not only did they more effectively hold my interest than Drums and Tuba, they reminded me of two more great bands - The Arcade Fire and Okkervil River. The first comparison is based on the similarities between singer Eric Enger's waivering voice and the moody Nebraskan's voice as well as the band's lilting indie rock-cum-americana and the second comparison is based on the energy and stage presence (and sheer number of people on the stage) of the young band, qualities of both the Arcade Fire and Okkervil River.
You can check them out this Friday at the Way Out Club, when they play with The Young Republic and Never Perfect Intentions. I highly recommend it. Oh, and they're from St. Louis too, so, uhhh, go us!
Here's an mp3. Go to the show spend some money. Drink some beer. It will be good. It'll do your karma some good.
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