Good On Paper

As this blog grows and reaches more readers, I get more and more emails and myspace friend requests from bands asking me to feature them on the blog. They are apparently under the mistaken assumption that I have some sort of clout in the blogosphere, but I do what I can to get the word out about bands I like, so when I discover a band that catches my ear, I'm happy to talk about them.
Good on Paper contacted me via myspace, if I remember correctly, and although I usually am hesitant to give unsolicited friend requests from bands an unbiased listen, I went to their myspace page and listened to their songs with an open mind. I am glad I did, as this young band can write a song or two.
With alternating male and female vocals, music that squarely falls into the ever-expanding "genre" of indie-rock, and hooks-o-plenty, this L.A.-based band earned itself some ink space on my little corner of the Internets. The band recently recorded its self-titled debut EP in January of 2006, with the help of Earlimart’s Aaron Espinoza. I'm a fan. Give 'em a listen. They compare themselves to Pavement and Velvet Underground, but I'll let you make that judgment call for yourselves by offering the below mp3's for your downloading pleasure.
Good on Paper - Escape
You can get more information on the band and listen to more of their songs on their MySpace page.
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