
Aqueduct are playing this Saturday at the Biliken Club with Australia's Youth Group and Columbia, Missouri's The Foundry Field Recordings. Aqueduct's newest album, Or Give Me Death is a logical and impressive step forward from the band's previsou album, I Sold Gold. As anyone who saw them last year (or was it two years ago?) at Cicero's can attest, Aqueduct puts on a fun and engaging live show. The Foundry Field Recordings are a member of the Columbia, Missouri collective/label Emergency Umbrella, and play a hazy version of understated mid-90's indie pop. They are definitely worth catching as well.
Aqueduct - Living A Lie
Aqueduct - As You Wish
Aqueduct - Growing Up With GNR
Aqueduct - Hardcore Days & Softcore Nights
Youth Group - Sorry
Youth Group - Dead Zoo
Youth Group - Forever Young
The Foundry Field Recordings - Clones Were Made For Them But Not For Us
The Foundry Field Recordings - Assembled Hazardly
The Foundry Field Recordings - Battle Brigades
The Foundry Field Recordings - Archery Bots
The Foundry Field Recordings - Buy/Sell/Trade
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