Yo La Tengo

Yo La Tengo is playing at The Pageant on Tuesday, April 12. They are touring in support of their excellent latest album, I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass. Yo La Tengo shows are always a treat and you will never know what you'll get from show to show. The last time I saw them, they were playing at Battery Park in New York City on the 4th of July with Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks; it was a jammy, comfortable show. The last time I saw them in St. Louis, at Mississippi Nights, I was sitting at the very back of the room, thoroughly enjoying the show with a few friends when the band encountered some technical problems and left the stage. We figured they were momentarily leaving the stage until the problems were fixed, so we filled up our beers and started into an obnoxiously loud conversation about the Cardinals, music, or something else that did not need to be talked about at the volume we were talking. A few minutes later, a few people in front of us started giving us dirty looks, and we had no idea why; the band still hadn't retaken the stage. They had, however, brought acoustic guitars out to the soundboard -- which was about 15 feet from us -- and proceeded to play three or four songs, sans amps, inthe middle of the crowd. As we were about to respond to the "unwaranted" looks, we realized WE were the asses in the situation. Oops. They played a few covers, and the entire audience listened quietly and intently. After that, they headed back up tot he stage to contnuing rocking our faces off.
In other words, you should check this show out.
Yo La Tengo - Beanbag Chair
Yo La Tengo - Pass the Hatchet, I Think I'm Goodkind
Yo La Tengo - Little Eyes
not confirmed yet by the pageant...not sure when it will be...
pitchfork is never a reliable spurce. ;)
It is, however, on YLT's website, which is good enough for me...
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