Sure Juror

I've posted about Sure Juror before, but they're doing something new that I thought was worth posting again about. They are making their debut album available on their website, one track at a time. Each day, they put up a track for download, with a description of the song, some of the lyrics, and even the guitar chords for the song. It's a pretty cool idea, as it gets people coming back to their website over and over. They are currently on track seven, a song called "Ex-Cuties." I'm a big fan of them and this album, which is all over the place, and varies from galloping punk-ups to pretty acoustic songs. They seem to excel at frantic Joey Santiago-esque rhythm guitar parts. The band is from New Jersey and they are in the process of recording their second album right now. Give it a listen, if you will.
Sure Juror - Thank You in Advance
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