The Floating City

From a Floating City myspace bulletin (yes, this is my lazy way of creating a post):
"After four years of writing and recording music in St. Louis, The Floating City is playing one final show before dismantling for an indefinite hiatis. The show is at the Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center which has become like a home to us. We will be accompanied by our dear friends Target Market, and some solo performances by Will, Gareth, Angel, and Dan.
Thanks to everyone who's cared about what we've been doing and about independent music and arts in general.
Tuesday, June 13th, show starts at 8:00 PM. It's all ages, $5."
The Floating City has been one of my favorite bands in the city for a while. They are serious about their art and are committed to contributing to the St. Louis arts scene. On top of that, they're super nice guys and they write great songs, to boot. You should try and check it out.
Here are some songs:
The Floating City - Where You Are
The Floating City - We Rode Into Town, Vultures Circling Overhead
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